
Armed conflict in central africa region
Armed conflict in central africa region

Violence against women is still a serious problem with high prevalence of rape and harmful traditional practices. This situation gets worse in conflict torn or fragile states, where women are excluded from efforts to restore peace and securityĬentral Africa is known for the existence of enormous natural resources like minerals, timber and Oil (CAR, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon), but poor governance and corruption in some instances have not permitted citizens, particularly women to benefit from these resources. In that context cases of VAWG are widespread with little or no access to justice. The religious and cultural context exhibits tension between customary law and formal legislation. Women have limited access to productive assets and market opportunities. Economic growth rates, since 2000, have averaged 4.5 percent per year, way below the 7% required to meet the MDGs target. Women are excluded from issues and decisions that affect their lives, mainly due to high poverty levels, illiteracy and patriarchy. Women’s leadership and participation estimated by political representation in parliament averages at 11.6%. All countries in West Africa except Cape Verde have an HDI below 0.5 and eleven are listed as Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Of this total, more than 50% is female, and more than 50% is Nigerian. West Africa counts 302.9 million people, about one third of Africa’s population. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence.Gender equality matters in COVID-19 response.76th Session of the UN General Assembly.

armed conflict in central africa region

  • In focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2022.
  • Special Representative to the AU and UNECA.
  • African Girls Can Code Initiative (AGCCI).
  • Women’s Leadership, Access, Empowerment and Protection (LEAP).
  • Recognising, Reducing and Redistributing Unpaid Care Work in Senegal.
  • Regional Director for West and Central Africa.
  • Regional Director for East and Southern Africa.

  • Armed conflict in central africa region